
Sunday, September 18, 2005

Descubra as diferenças

Analysis: Reforming Europe's social model

"Some have suggested I want to abandon Europe's social model," Blair told the European Parliament last month. "But tell me: what type of social model is it that has 20 million unemployed in Europe, productivity rates falling behind those of the United States; that is allowing more science graduates to be produced by India than by Europe; and that, on any relative index of a modern economy -- skills, R&D, patents, IT -- is going down not up."

Tony Blair, Primeiro - Ministro do Reino Unido, Julho de 2005 (Labour Party - esquerda)

A Menezes defende modelo de Estado Social Europeu

"O caminho deve ser o de personalizar, gerir bem, equacionar atitudes, ter bom-senso e assumir, de forma intransigente, um modelo de Estado Social Europeu a todos os níveis", defendeu Menezes.

Luís Filipe Menezes - Presidente da Câmara de Gaia, Setembro de 2005 (Partido Social Democrata - "direita")

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