P.S. - Ron Paul é o único político que conheço a ter a foto de um anarquista pendurada na parede do seu escritório.
Friday, September 28, 2007
let freedom ring
Portugal supports Ron Paul é o novo blogue (em) português de apoio à campanha de Ron Paul para as presidenciais americanas de 2008. Para quem não sabe quem é Ron Paul, um candidato, geralmente identificado como libertarian, a concorrer pelo partido republicano, um breve resumo das suas posições políticas pode ser lido aqui.
P.S. - Ron Paul é o único político que conheço a ter a foto de um anarquista pendurada na parede do seu escritório.
P.S. - Ron Paul é o único político que conheço a ter a foto de um anarquista pendurada na parede do seu escritório.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales e Hayek
The man credited with founding Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales — known to Wikipedians as "Jimbo" — was a finance major at Auburn University when the Mises Institute's Mark Thornton suggested he read "The Use of Knowledge in Society," a now-famous essay written by Austro-libertarian economist and Nobel laureate Friedrich von Hayek. The essay argues that prices in the market represent a spontaneous order that results from the interaction of individuals with diverse wants, allowing them to cooperate to achieve complex goals. According to a June 2007 Reason magazine interview, this insight of Hayek's is what led Wales to found Wikipedia. The rather lofty vision that inspired Wales? "Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That's what we're doing."
While that ultimate goal imagined by Wales for Wikipedia has not yet come to fruition, there is no questioning the breadth and usefulness of Wikipedia. Those who refused to believe that a user-generated encyclopedia could compete with the monolithic, traditional encyclopedia written by experts and organized by professional editors, were no doubt shocked when Nature magazine published a 2006 article comparing Wikipedia to the well-known Encyclopedia Britannica. The article concluded that Wikipedia articles were comparable in accuracy and thoroughness to those of the older, paper encyclopedia.
Ler o resto no Ludwig von Mises Institute
Gott ist tot, wir sind alle tot
É claro que tudo isto não passa de uma acção simbólica do senador Ernie Chambers com o objectivo de provar que no sistema judicial americano, qualquer pessoa, pelas razões mais frívolas, pode ser processada por qualquer outra pessoa. Mas a aceitar a verdade da Santíssima Trindade - de que Deus existe simultaneamente sob três formas, Pai, Cristo e o Espírito Santo - vale a pena pensar nas suas consequências, quando conjugadas com a ideia da supostamente anunciada segunda vinda de Cristo à Terra. A verdade é que, a aparecer por planos terrenos na condição de humano, Cristo seria provavelmente morto pelas mais diversas razões, incluindo as acima anunciadas. Coisa que, aliás, não seria propriamente novidade dando crédito aos registos teológicos e históricos de há dois milénios atrás. Esta conjugação subtil de todos os princípios constituintes da fé cristã e da previsibilidade das contradições cognitivas da natureza humana, que conduzem a um destino inevitável (conhecido e assimilado de antemão, como em qualquer sistema determinista) do assassinato da figura máxima da religião por si mesmo pregada, é talvez a mais extraordinária consistência lógica interna do Cristianismo. Se isto significa algo mais, provavelmente ficará ao critério pessoal.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Dalai Lama - paz, harmonia e diálogo
Ou talvez não.
Of all the modern economic theories, the economic system of Marxism is founded on moral principles, while capitalism is concerned only with gain and profitability. Marxism is concerned with the distribution of wealth on an equal basis and the equitable utilization of the means of production. It is also concerned with the fate of the working classes--that is, the majority--as well as with the fate of those who are underprivileged and in need, and Marxism cares about the victims of minority-imposed exploitation. For those reasons the system appeals to me, and it seems fair. I just recently read an article in a paper where His Holiness the Pope also pointed out some positive aspects of Marxism.
As for the failure of the Marxist regimes, first of all I do not consider the former USSR, or China, or even Vietnam, to have been true Marxist regimes, for they were far more concerned with their narrow national interests than with the Workers' International; this is why there were conflicts, for example, between China and the USSR, or between China and Vietnam. If those three regimes had truly been based upon Marxist principles, those conflicts would never have occurred.
I think the major flaw of the Marxist regimes is that they have placed too much emphasis on the need to destroy the ruling class, on class struggle, and this causes them to encourage hatred and to neglect compassion. Although their initial aim might have been to serve the cause of the majority, when they try to implement it all their energy is deflected into destructive activities. Once the revolution is over and the ruling class is destroyed, there is nor much left to offer the people; at this point the entire country is impoverished and unfortunately it is almost as if the initial aim were to become poor. I think that this is due to the lack of human solidarity and compassion. The principal disadvantage of such a regime is the insistence placed on hatred to the detriment of compassion.
The failure of the regime in the former Soviet Union was, for me, not the failure of Marxism but the failure of totalitarianism. For this reason I still think of myself as half-Marxist, half-Buddhist.
- Tenzin Gyatso, 14º Dalai Lama em Beyond Dogma: Dialogues and Discourses, 1996
Saturday, September 01, 2007
The internet's "Black holes"
This map was commissioned by Reporters Without Borders, which also publishes a World Ranking of press freedom. As the list of the 15 internet-restricting countries (followed by their ranking on said list) indicates, internet censorship is a strong indicator of press censorship in general:
1. Maldives (144)
2. Tunisia (148)
3. Belarus (151)
4. Libya (152)
5. Syria (153)
6. Vietnam (155)
7. Uzbekistan (158)
8. Nepal (159)
9. Saudi Arabia (161)
10. Iran (162)
11. China (163)
12. Myanmar/Burma (164)
13. Cuba (165)
14. Turkmenistan (167)
15. North Korea (168 and very last on the list)
(retirado do strange maps)
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